Stop relaying on others -- Trust your intuition.

Stop relaying on others -- Trust your intuition.

All too often, we rely on others to tell us what to do, essentially giving away our responsibility for solving the issue and making our own decisions, creating and following our own path. We give a lot of trust to others yet put little value in our own intuition. Next time you consider allowing someone else to make decisions you could make or figure out for yourself, remember the video below. It gets the point across.

Trust that your decision is the best you could think of at the moment and when you think of something better or discover another choice  that’ll work more efficiently, do that. The beauty of life is that you can always change your mind and begin anew, make better choices.

PS:  I found the video quite amusing, hope you will as well. Many kudos to its creator. 

Dr. Charley Ferrer
Lifeology #009