Maisy - Breast Cancer Mermaid
Meet Maisy, our first Breast Cancer Mermaid®.
Check out this playful interview between Maisy and Jessica of Cancer Tamer.
Maisy’s portrait was selected to be Cancer Tamer’s very first Breast Cancer Mermaid® Mural. It is a HISTORICAL event as nowhere in the world is there a wall honoring the strength and courage women with breast cancer display during this arduous journey.
Maisy’s portrait was originally painted by Lyn Bechtel as part of the Breast Cancer Mermaid® Art Project which deducted May 4, 2024. Though Lyn was scheduled to paint this amazing mural, her health took a slight turn and Autum Proctor of Traveling Art Parties graciously stepped in to paint the mural for her/us. Maisy’s original painting was created in honor of Lyn’s daughter who was diagnosed with breast cancer.
In a fun interview with Maisy, we were able to discover the following:
Jessica of Cancer Tamer: How do you feel about your portrait being painted at the Silver Dolphin Restaurant?
Maisy: I love it. I am thrilled that I am the FIRST Breast Cancer Mermaid® Mural ever painted. As my MerSisters remind me jokingly, my portrait should be the first, since I am the oldest. And if you dare to ask me my age, as you did my MerSister Grace, I’ll show you how we toy with alligators. (wicked naughty grin)
Jessica: What….wait a minute, you…“toy with alligators?”
Maisy: Oh yes. It’s such fun to tease them by pulling their tails and dragging them backwards--a little--through the water. They’re so ornery. We simply must tease them and remind them to have a little fun every now and then. Although, I wouldn’t advise humans tease alligators in such a way since humans aren’t as strong or as fast swimmers as Merfolk. If you ever see a mermaid with a bit of her tail missing, you can bet she didn’t move fast enough to get out of the way of some ornery gator’s sharp teeth.
Jessica: How do you like to spend your days when you’re not swimming around?
Maisy: I love to stroll around downtown Brooksville in my human legs and check out the shops or visit the eateries around town; and in Hernando Beach.
Jessica: Have you seen anything that made you laugh lately?
Maisy: Well, there was a sign that said, “Don’t Molest the Alligators...,” that had us barrel rolling around in the water. I also saw a YouTube video of a Mermaid Statue that was floating down the river when it was swept away by the Hurricane waters. She sat straight up on her rock and just floated away. That was so cute to watch. Even more so when someone mentioned that her name might be Nova. If you don’t know, Nova means, “no go” in Spanish and well, she went somewhere didn’t she?
Jessica: Anything else you’d like to share before we end this brief interview?
Maisy: Well, I’m pleased to share that they found Autum Proctor’s mermaid statue, The Rebel, which Autum painted as part of the Mermaid Tail Trail. Click here for the interview with Autum. and discover that story for yourself. Oh…look….there are my merSisters, I have to go.
Jessica: Well, I guess that’s one way to leave an interview---diving into the water and swimming away.
Before we end, Cancer Tamer would like to give a shout out to Autum Proctor from Traveling Art Parties for volunteering to paint Maisy’s portrait; Lyn Bechtel for drawing the portrait in the first place, and Dr. Charley Ferrer, Founder of Cancer Tamer Foundation, for coming up with the concept of the Breast Cancer Mermaid®. Autum is the owner of Traveling Art Parties and is an amazing artist.
Most of all, we’d love to thank Yann Milcendeau, owner
of the Silver Dolphin, who took a chance on the Breast Cancer Mermaid®
concept and became the location of our First Mural. All too often, breast
cancer is only thought of in October and it’s still considered a “Dirty Little
Secret.” Having this painting not only
honors the women with breast cancer and those that we’ve lost along the way, it
also reminds patrons to practice self-care and preventive measures, and to
check themselves--women and men--since early detection saves lives. The Silver
Dolphin is located at 4036 Shoal Line Blvd, Hernando Beach, FL 34607. I’ll admit,
the food is great; especially breakfast. But even more so, the ambience and
garden seating in the back is so tranquil and inviting.
We also want to thank Diane M. Greenwell founder of the Hernando Beach Front Porch Art Walk who believed in the Breast Cancer Mermaid® project from its inception and helped with fundraising and introducing us to Yann.
If you would like to host one of our Breast Cancer
Mermaid® paintings at your business establishment, please contact us. We
also offer Greeting Cards with pictures of our mermaids.
Almost completed. Be sure to stop by a take your picture with Maisy, we'll be giving away a prize each month to those that tag us on FaceBook -- #BreastCancerMermaid #CancerTamer<br>
Breast Cancer Mermaid® is a trademark of Cancer Tamer Foundation. It is the creative concept of Dr. Charley Ferrer, our Founder, to help remind women of their beauty and femininity despite the ravages breast cancer surgery can bring. The interviews with Maisy and other mermaids in our collection are fictional, not meant to portray anyone in particular, and are created for entertainment purposes only; as well as, a way to pass along information on what Cancer Tamer is doing to help empower women with breast cancer in our community and to help promote education and knowledge about breast cancer awareness and prevention. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.