Life in a Moment
We’ve all heard the cliché, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”
Well, it’s not!
It’s simply your life—in this moment. And in THIS moment, you get to decide how you are going to live it. You CHOOSE how you want to experience it. Your life isn’t infinite, it’s a degree of moments—seconds—in time where it changes constantly based on what you think, how you feel, and what you manifest into reality. What will you choose? How will you live this second, this minute, the next hour? Will you sit on a couch watching television, trying to de-stress or tune out because it’s hard to accomplish your dreams, or you’re unsure how to achieve them, or no one believes in you? Will you sit and fume and think angry thoughts because you didn’t get what you feel you deserve or someone you loved did you wrong or didn’t do as you ask? Will you allow your thoughts to skew into bitterness or malice because you felt disrespected by a friend or stranger? Or will you grab hold of this second, this moment in time and decide to make it something fun and beautiful for yourself? Manifest what it is you desire. Bring to life the possibilities of your wishes. You don’t need to think small—let others do that. Think your jumbo thoughts, wish for the impossible, reach for your desires, because this is the first second of the first moment of your current life. How you choose to live it is up to you.