Heal thru Laughter -- Breast Cancer Comedy Program

Heal thru Laughter -- Breast Cancer Comedy Program

The journey through breast cancer can be an arduous experience, leaving many scars not just physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. 

Throughout her lectures, documentaries, books and award-winning play, Breast Cancer Diaries, Dr. Charley Ferrer has strived to empower women through laughter and reminding them that live is too short....and too long...to be miserable or lament on the ravages they may experience during their bout with breast cancer. 

In her quest to empower women, she underwent a bit of training to discover how to bring more humor into her lectures, though she's a natural. While working with ASAP, a veterans organization wanting to improve her writing abilities, she discovered their Comedy Program and created a 5-minute Comedic Skit on her experience with breast cancer. That skit was submitted to the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival and last week she was notified, it won Reginals and is being sent to the National Level for review. Dr. Charley creates ASAP instructors for their wonderful support and training. 

Currently, Dr. Charley and Cancer Tamer are collaborating with professional comedians to produce a program for women with breast cancer to "Heal thru Laughter." This Breast Cancer Comedy Program is open to women with breast cancer throughout the US and abroad. Cancer Tamer is planning a Gala Fundraiser for October 2025 where participants of the program will share the stage with professional comedians to perform their own 5-minute comedy skits.  Check out our Breast Cancer Comedy Program page for information on how to apply.