Chemicals in your food which can kill you or make you sick

Chemicals in your food which can kill you or make you sick

Discover how chemical additives in your food affect your body and can make you sick or worse. 

Our host, Debra Santulli-Barone also provide you with various tidbits of information. 

A special thanks to all the organizations which collaborate with Cancer Tamer to provide complimentary outings for members. Anyone can be a member of Cancer Tamer, just email us to get on the list and discover all we have to offer.

Cancer Tamer TV Talk Show is produced LIVE at the Staten Island. Our host for this show is Debra Santulli Barone, our New York City, Executive Director. Note: information on this show is not medical advice and is provided for education and entertainment purposes only. Always consult your medical provider for any issues you may have or experience.