Cancer Tamer TV Talk Show

Cancer Tamer TV Talk Show

Did you know Cancer Tamer has it's own Community Television show? We've been live online since June 2016. The show is produced by
Dr. Charley Ferrer and Debra Santulli-Barone and filmed live at the Community Television Studios on Staten Island, New York. Our show provides value information about living and thriving despite cancer. Our focus isn't on providing standard treatment options for cancer patients (that's for you to discuss with your medical team); our focus is on sharing valuable information about alternative and holistic treatment options, about legal issues which affect your life, about coping with cancer and depression and all those other challenges we face along this arduous journey. Cancer Tamer Television Talk Show is about inspiration. 

Our Talk Show has been on the air since June 2016; over eight years now. We did have to take a brief break during Covid because the studio was closed, however Debra and Dr. Charley continued hosting the show online through Zoom. We have our own YouTube Channel which hosts over a hundred shows--30 minute duration--some a little longer; and of course, you'll be able to see our documentaries there as well.

The Cancer Tamer Television Talk Show was nominated for the Hometown Awards. It not only covers topics you should know when it comes to your health, it provides valuable information on local events (New York) and information on book reviews and more. Be sure show catch our us online or live on Ch 35 in Staten Island. 

Below is the latest episode; an important discussion every woman should know about BRAS and how they fit into your life and recovery; more importantly, the need for the perfect fit after surgery. Hosted by Debra Santulli-Barone our New York City Executive Director.

The show discusses the toxins in toilet paper, the need for movement and exercises, and other important information. Our host, Debra also shares her personal views on health, tests options, and other local (New York City) events. .

Medical Disclaimer: Information and discussions on our shows do not imply medical treatment advise nor recommendations. If you have any medical issues, concerns or questions, please discuss them with your medical team. Cancer Tamer Television Talk Show does not support nor recommend any specific medical treatment. Our hosts share their own personal issues and thoughts as cancer patients, as well as life experience.