Breast Cancer Mermaid™ Art Project
We are hosting our Breast Cancer Mermaid™ Project Exhibition during the Health Expo. We have placed a call to artists to participate. This is another way we are bringing education and awareness about breast cancer. See our write-up below.
Mermaids are seen as mystical alluring sensual beings. When a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoes surgery, she believes she’s lost part herself. She has not! The Breast Cancer Mermaid is our way to show that a woman can still be sensual and alluring despite breast cancer. We welcome each artists’ depiction of what they envision a Breast Cancer Mermaid would look like. Would she have one shell, two, none? Would she still have her long lustrous hair? Would her tail be a little shabby? Share your version of what a Breast Cancer Mermaid™ would look like.
Breast Cancer Mermaid™ Project Guidelines:Original artwork only
Size: 8 x 10 up to 24 x 30(Larger pieces please contact us)
Medium: Any media – acrylic, oil, watercolor, and multi-media canvas allowed; sculptures etc.
Description: Include a 3×5 index card with artist name, name of painting, if any, and any comments you wish to share with viewers. (Include a second 3×5 index card with contact information for our use only.)
Deadline: April 6, 2024
Email submissions to: info@cancerTamer.orgSubject line: Breast Cancer Mermaid™ submission
Mail Hardcopy to:Cancer Tamer FoundationAttn: Breast Cancer Mermaid Submissions7789 South Suncoast Blvd, #133Homosassa, Florida 34446
Prizes:Special Gifts planned for Top Three Breast Cancer Mermaids chosen by Cancer Tamer judges. Judges decision final. All participants will receive a Certificate of Entry.
Submission: All artwork must be submitted by April 6, 2024Artist retains all copyrights! Only hard copies will be displayed during our Cinco de Mayo Weekend Health Expo being held May 4, 2024 in Brooksville, Florida. Any artist/anywhere can enter their work. Multiple entries accepted. Canvas artwork must be mounted/stretched. Poster board copies must have foam core backing to allow them to stand-up. To have artwork returned, include a return envelope with any padding needed along with required pre-paid postage. Cancer Tamer Foundation is not responsible for any damage nor loss in transit nor at event. Submission is acknowledgement of original work & consent to display by Cancer Tamer Foundation as it deems appropriate without compensation. Multiple exhibitions are planned for 2024. We will also display artwork on our website and printed material acknowledging artists. Artist welcome to participate in Health Expo and speak about their work.
Questions: Email with any questions or for more information
Get your entries in - we welcome you no matter your level of skill