Breast Cancer Mermaid Art Exhibit
Join us for the month of July when Brooksville Gallery 201 hosts the Art Exhibition of the Breast Cancer Mermaid™ with artwork by various artists. This one-of-a-kind art exhibition shows women and men with breast cancer in various stages of this disease. Visit the Gallery and discover the amazing paintings, digital art, pottery, and shell creations done by our artists: #joancasadiego @johansartwork2 #robbynsmith #CatherineCrippen Johan's Artwork2; Manjit Vohra, Jo M. Orise Angela Farinelli #KaytrielDaglia; Tana Jacks; Jordan Tygrett; @Anne Doyle; Alicia Lowe; Alyssa Gilleo; Andi Hazelden; Angela Farinellie, Barby Dusky; Candy Mucciolli; Chris Gallo; Clara Barandica; Dana Watson; Jasmine Cora; Jennifer L. Stahl; Jo M. Orise; Julia Pasqua; Loren Petroccia; Lyn Bechtel; Princess Link: Robbyn Smith; Roxanne Campbell; Andrea Moulding; Peggy Hughes and women form the VA Breast Cancer Group..
Artists Left to right: Johan Casadiego, Manjit Vohra, Anne Doyle, Dana Watson<br>On table right: Jordan Tygrett, Alicia Lowe, Julie Pasqua
Artist: Barby Dusky
Artist: Julie Pasqua
Artists on wall: Princess Link
Artist on wall: Veteran Woman's Group
Artists on black wall: Jasmine Cora, Roxy Campbell, and Catherin Crippin
Artists Left to Right: Dana Watson, Lyn Bechtel, Chris Gallo, Kaytriel Daglia, and Agastya L. Roy
Artists Left to Right: Jo M. Orise, Alyssa Gilleo, Robbyn Smith, Jennifer L. Stahl, and Peggie Hughes
Artists left to right: Andi Hazelden, Clara Barandica, Andi Hazelden, and Andrea Moulding
Artists Left to Right: Angela Farinelli, and Candy Mucciolli