Abundance…what a lovely word. It’s often tossed around by those seeking enlightenment or those who believe in the Law of Attraction; yet have you stopped and actually considered why so many of us experience the lack of it and seek it out only to feel its allusiveness?
As children, we were taught limits and boundaries. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line we misconstrued these lessons and developed a mindset of scarcity. Here are a few examples:
· You can only have one cookie before dinner—this wasn’t because there weren’t enough to go around or to last the week but because cookies aren’t healthy and we’d fill up on cookies—and all that sugar—and won’t have room for our veggies.
· You only received $1 from the Tooth Fairy when you know your teeth are worth so much more. How did you spend that dollar? Did you save it for something big you wanted, or did you rush to the store to spend it? Perhaps the real lesson in receiving only $1 was to learn responsible spending and practice patience.
· You had to share your toys with siblings or friends when you wanted to hoard those toys close; not understanding that the lesson was an adult’s attempt to socialize you.
Through the years, these innocent lessons converted themselves into justification for lack of abundance as we continued to address them from a childish perspective, if we even consider them at all. It’s time to deep dive into our thoughts about abundance, to address them from an adult perspective. Once you do that, you’ll realize that there is abundance in every aspect of your life, waiting to be acknowledge.
Below are just a few examples. I invite you to share a few of your own.
· The co-worker who brings in extra goodies because she knows you’d enjoy a treat, and she wanted to share a little joy with you.
· The stranger on the street who says hello or nods and shares a smile as you walk on by, acknowledging your presence in the world and smiling because of it.
· The family member who calls to share their day or a funny joke, reminding you, you are loved.
· And yes, even money is abundant because you have what you need to keep going though sometimes you may not yet have enough for what “you want.” You know what I’m talking about; that thing that will give you a fleeting moment of satisfaction only to lose its appeal once it’s obtained and you’ve played with it long enough.
Like everything else in life, abundance is what you create and make room for. Thus, clear out the debris in your life; this includes those thoughts and things that no longer serve you, yes, even those individuals that have been around you for years yet only bring you down or feed you scarcity. It’s hard to get rid of people who are family, but perhaps limiting your exposure to them and setting a few boundaries are in your best interest.
Make a conscious effort to notice the abundance you currently have and invite more into your life. Show some gratitude for what you have, this invites more abundance to filter in.
The next time you lament the absence of abundance consider how your beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes may be keeping it from you. Then make a conscious choice to improve those areas and create space in your life for abundance to visit and settle in for the duration.
Dr. Charley Ferrer
Lifeology #005
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